
Increase knowledge! Container China export customs clearance procedures

First of all, Kaiser of STU Supply Chain will show you the container. Is able to carry packaging or no packaging goods for transport, and easy to use mechanical equipment for loading, unloading and handling of a tool.

The biggest success of the container has been the standardisation of its products and the creation of a transport system. It is truly one of the great miracles created by human history to realize the standardization of a behemoth with a load of dozens of tons and gradually realize the logistics system of ships, ports, routes, highways, transfer stations, Bridges, tunnels and multimodal transport all over the world on this basis.

The basic procedures of customs clearance: declaration → inspection → tax collection → release

1. The consignor of export goods in accordance with the provisions in the export contract, quantity, quality, on time after prepare export goods inspection, which shall be submitted to the transportation company charter booking formalities, prepare to the customs offices for handling the formalities of customs declaration, or entrust a specialized (agent) the formalities for customs declaration customs declaration company (of course selection we STU Supply Chain as an agent can also be).

2. Enterprises that need to entrust professional or agent declaration enterprises to go through declaration formalities with the customs shall, before the goods are exported, go through the entrusted declaration formalities with professional or agent declaration enterprises nearby at the export port. (of course, we can also choose STU Supply Chain as the agent).

The professional customs declaration enterprise or agent who accepts the entrustment shall receive the formal letter of entrustment from the entrusting unit, which shall be subject to the format required by the customs.

3. The preparation of customs declaration documents is the basis to ensure the smooth clearance of export goods. Under normal circumstances, customs declaration should prepare documents in addition to the export of goods declaration, mainly including: consignment list (that is, under the cargo paper), an invoice, a trade contract, export income verification sheet and customs supervision conditions involving all kinds of documents.

Customs declaration time limit: customs declaration time limit refers to the time limit stipulated by law for the consignor or his agent to declare the goods to the customs after the goods arrive at the port. The time limit for declaration of export goods is 24 hours before loading. Goods that do not require tax collection and inspection shall go through customs clearance procedures within 1 day after receiving the declaration.


Inspection is a kind of supervision method in which the customs conducts actual inspection on the export goods on the basis of the declaration units that have been examined and approved by the customs declaration units to determine whether the declaration contents of the declaration documents are consistent with the actual import and export goods.

1. Verify whether the declared contents are consistent with the verified documents and goods by checking the actual goods and customs declaration documents; discover whether there are any concealment, false declaration and false declaration and other problems that cannot be found in the declaration and declaration.

2. The doubts raised in the declaration and examination can be verified through inspection, so as to provide reliable regulatory basis for tax collection, statistics and follow-up management. After the customs check the goods, they should fill in an inspection record.

Inspection records generally include inspection time, place, name of consignee or consignor of import or export goods or its agent, information of declared goods, information of transportation package of inspected goods (such as name of means of transport, container number, measurement and seal number), name of goods, specification and model, etc.

The inspection notice shall be issued within 1 day after the goods are declared, and the inspection shall be completed within 1 day after the customs inspection conditions are met, and the customs clearance procedures shall be completed within 4 hours after the completion of the inspection, except for tax payment.


According to the relevant provisions of (customs law), goods imported or exported shall be subject to customs duties unless otherwise stipulated by the state.

Customs duties shall be collected by the customs in accordance with the customs import and export tariff. For goods requiring tax payment, the tax bill shall be issued within 1 day after receiving the declaration, and the customs clearance formalities shall be completed within 2 hours after the tax bill is paid and verified.


1. For general export goods, after the consignor or his agent declares the goods to the customs truthfully and pays the tax payable and relevant fees in full, the consignor of the export goods with "customs release stamp" on the export loading list shall be shipped out of the country.

2. Withdrawal of export goods: the consignor of the goods applying for withdrawal shall declare withdrawal to the customs within three days from the date of withdrawal. Goods can only be transported out of the place under customs control after customs approval.

3. The issuance of export tax refund declaration form: after customs clearance, on the export tax refund declaration form of buff stamped with "YanQiZhang" and have to tax authorities for the record of the customs audit signature, head of the export tax rebate, refund declaration units.

In China, about 150 million us dollars worth of goods are exported every day. Every day when the tax rebate is delayed, it will cause great losses to the majority of customers. How to speed up exit cancel after verification drawback speed?

One of the most important aspects of document operation is to fill in the export declaration correctly. The content of the customs declaration must be consistent with the content of the shipping company's manifest to the customs, so as to write off the tax refund smoothly.

After the customs accepts the declaration and release, due to reasons such as transport and distribution, part of the goods have not been loaded on the original means of transport, to declare the consignor of export goods shall timely submit to the customs change application form for the export goods declaration form and the corrected copy of the packing list invoice, bill of lading to correct, in order to make customs declaration content can be consistent with the content on the manifest.

STU Supply Chain provides whole-process door-to-door service for export enterprises overseas. It serves 35 countries, 174 regions and 335 service terminals in the world, and can declare at major ports and deliver goods door-to-door.


shipping service & sourcing partner in China

STU-shipping service,sourcing service,supplychain service





车型   内径(**) 实际容积 配货容积 载重(Kg)
3吨车 4*1.8*1.8   12.96112000
5吨车 4.5*2.2*219.8183500
8吨车 6.5*2.3*2.5 37.4346500
10吨车 7.2*2.3*2.541.4377800
12吨车 7.2*2.4*2.9504510000




类型  大小 内长m  内宽m  内高m  门高m  门宽m  容积M3      载重T  皮重T
普通箱  20GP  5.93  2.34  2.4    2.34   2.31   33.3  19  1.7
普通箱  40GP  12  2.35  2.36  2.28  2.26  66.55   27  3.4
普通高箱40HQ 2.34  2.68  2.34  2.58  2.58  75.25 27  4
普通箱  45GP  13.58 2.34  2.68  2.34 2.58 85.16 27 4
开顶箱  20OT 5.9  2.2 2.35  2.33  2.24  30.5  21  2.4
开顶箱  40OT  12  2.35 2.33  2.33  2.23  65.71 28  3.7
冷藏箱  20RF  5.44  2.28  2.14  2.26  2.21  26.54 20  3
冷藏箱  40RF  11.5 2.25  2.11  2.28  2.17  54.6 27  4.4
挂衣箱  20HG  5.9 2.35  2.39  2.34  2.28  33.14 22  2.3
挂衣箱  40HG  12  2.35  2.39  2.34  2.28  67.4  27  4.2
框架箱  20FR  5.7  2.24  2.17  27.71 28  3
框架箱  40FR  12  2.24  2.03  54.57 40  5.5
平板箱  40'  12  2.43 0.04 0        1.17   22  6


  • VAT简介

VAT全称是VALUE ADDED TAX, 这是欧盟国家普遍的售后增值税,也即是指货物售价的利润税。当货物进入英国(按欧盟法例),货物缴纳进口税;当货物销售后,商家可以退回进口增值税,再按销售额交相应的销售税。
  • EORI号简介

EORI 号是英文 Economic Operator Registration and Identification 的缩写。该号码是欧盟国家内凡是有经济活动,尤其是有进出口生意的个人/企业必备的一个登记号。无论有无VAT号, 卖家要以进口方的名义进口货物到欧盟,并在之后进行进口税(IMPROT VAT)的退税(仅对有VAT号的商家),就必须要向海关提交EORI号码。




VAT是增值税(Value Added Tax)的简称,是欧盟国家普遍使用的售后增值税,也即是指货物售价的利润税。当货物进入欧盟国家(按欧盟法例),货物缴纳进口税;当货物销售后,商家可以退回进口增值税(IMPROT VAT),再按销售额交相应的销售税(SALES VAT)。还不懂?举个例子:比如说你销售额vat 200, 但是你付出去的关税vat 180, 那你只需要交20。比如说你销售额vat 200, 但是你付出去的进口VAT为 250, 那你可以退50。


作为任何个人和公司在进口商品到欧盟国家的时候,海关会对其商品征缴进口税,进口税包括关税 (IMPORT DUTY) 和进口增值税(IMPORT VAT)。它们的计算方式如下:IMPORT VAT = (申报货值 + 头程运费 +DUTY)X 20% (这是商家可以退回)IMPORT DUTY = 申报货值 X 产品税率


销售VAT是指货物卖出后,要上缴的售后税,不同类别的产品收取的增值税VAT费率也不同,绝大多类产品按标准VAT税率20%计。计算方式为:销售税VAT= 市场销售价格 / 6 (上缴的VAT,实为市场售价的1/6)市场销售价格(含税)= 定价(税前价格) X 1.2 ;


英国:每个VAT税号每3个月需要向英国的税务部门(HMRC)进行一次当季度进口和销售情况的申报,结算当季度该VAT下的所有进口税(IMPORT VAT)和销售税(SALES VAT)。季度申报VAT=销售税-进口税,销售税大于进口税则缴纳额外的销售税,反之则退返超出的进口税。德国:德国一年需要做13次申报,每1个月就需要向德国的税务部门进行当月进口和销售情况的申报,另外还需做一次年度总结申报。针对以欧盟境外人士或公司身份申请英国税号,并不产生当地公司税,只需申报增值税,缴纳增值税。如在英国当地产生费用,提供相关单据,可作为进项抵扣材料。对于跨境电商卖家,主要的退税还在于抵销进口税。对于跨境电商卖家来说,退税主要是对冲当期的销项税(前提是清关时正确使用自己的VAT税号清关缴税)退税形式有两种:第一种是以支票形式;第二种是退回到你的VAT账号里,当作余额留在下期需交销售税的时候做抵扣。






如果你注册了欧盟增值税号(VAT NUMBER),那么当你的买家提出要求开具发票,你必须给对方开增值税发票(VAT INVOICE)。对于单笔销售超过250英镑的销售发票,每张增值税发票必须显示:1. 唯一的发票编号,此编号必须(续接之前的发票编号)顺序排列,如有损坏或取消的发票编号,此发票必须要保留,以便在税局官员到访检查时提供给对方。2. 卖家名字/商业名字和地址3. 卖家增值税号码4. 开票日期5. 供货(销售)时间(也称为税点)6. 买家的名字/商业名字和地址7. 所售商品/服务的相关描述8. 如果有任何的现金折扣费率,也需要额外列出。9. 增值税总额需以英镑币种表示。如果在同一张发票上面包含多种种类的商品,此发票必须显示:1. 每种商品的单价或费率(不含增值税)2. 每种商品的数量或不同服务的内容3. 每种商品的增值税税率4. 应付的商品总金额(不含增值税)如果销售少于250英磅,那么简化版可以被使用:1. 卖家名字/商业名字和地址2. 卖家的增值税号码3. 供货(销售)时间(也称为税点)4. 所售商品/服务的相关描述5. 商品的增值税税率6. 每项对应的VAT税率,实付总额应包括VAT金额和VAT税率。
  • 图片


我是海拓供应链的Kaiser, 我司做供应链和综合物流服务的。如果有需要用到的我们的话,欢迎联系!

美国海派低至   RMB 6 /KG (双清包税门到门全包价)
美国空派低至   RMB 22 /KG (双清包税门到门全包价)

欧洲海派低至   RMB 6 /KG (双清包税门到门全包价)
欧洲空派低至   RMB 24 /KG (双清包税门到门全包价)

非洲海派低至   USD400  /KG (双清包税门到仓全包价)
非洲空派低至   RMB40/KG (双清包税门到仓全包价)

洛杉矶/塔科马/奥克兰: 1050/1285/1285
蒙特利尔: 2250/2800/2800


我司海外代理覆盖北美,欧洲,加勒比,东南亚等地区。国内地区服务覆盖 深圳,上海,广州,宁波,厦门,中山,顺德,江门,东莞,南宁,湛江,天津,青岛,大连,福州,佛山,香港,菲律宾,马来西亚.

STU Supply Chain Management (Shenzhen)Co .,Ltd
kaiser 陈先生
电话 :  0755-89205789,  传真:0755-84196795    